Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter (Platonia insignis) - Reduces the formation of redness emollient properties high absorption rate - anti-ageing stabilises collagen + elastin production – Copaiba
The fatty acid composition of the bacuri butter (Platonia insignis) has a high absorption rate, due to its high level of tripalmitin (50 to 55%), which penetrates the skin quickly. The high value of 5% of the fatty palmitoleic acid, compared with other oils that have not more than 0.5 to 1.5%, qualifies the bacuri butter as a fantastic emollient which can also be used as a moisturizing agent.
The bioactive ingredient tripalmitin is used in pills to chew for having slow hydrolysis. This reduces the side effects of strong medicines measuring out the drug quantities which has to be always absorbed by the organism, according to pharmacokinetics. The current source of tripalmitin in the world is a plant commonly called the (uruchi) Japanese wax that is original from Japan.
The bacuri fruit is highly demanded in the markets of Belém and used for the preparation of sweets, cakes, jams, juices, and ice creams. Its seeds are not used and are discarded. The local population s of the central region of the Marajó island have great difficulty removing the butter from the seeds because the seeds have to be soaked in water for over a year. They are then boiled and the butter is skimmed off the surface of the boiling water. The butter has phytotherapeutic applications and is popularly used on Marajó as a remedy against spider and snakes bites, as a treatment for skin problems and earaches, and is considered to be a miraculous remedy against rheumatism and arthritis. The butter of bacuri gives a golden tone to the skin. It is absorbed a few minutes after it is applied and the skin becomes velvety to the touch; it also removes spots and reduces scarring.
The bacuri is native to the state of Pará, where the highest concentrations are found in the Salgado, Bragantina, and Marajó island regions. This tree can reach 25 m in height and 1.5 m in diameter. Grows on terra firme and provides a yellow-colored timber, compact, resistant, not rotting, therefore used in naval construction. The fruit, which weighs 250 g on average, has an oval shape covered by a shell, whose thickness varies from 0.7 to 1.6 cm, representing 75% of its weight. The edible part corresponds to the endocarp and represents 13% of the weight of the fruit. It is white, with a strong aroma and sweet taste. The fruit has normally 4 oily seeds, when dried (moisture content of 20%), contains 72% of a fat, which is resinous dark brown, almost black. The fat has an unpleasant smell and filtration is difficult. By pressing approximately 40% of its butter can be obtained. It is estimated that the average productivity per plant and year reaches 400 fruits. The species has a cyclical production performance, which means, years of high fruit production are succeeded by one, two, or three years of low production. Propagation is possible through seeds, roots, and grafting. Plants propagated by seeds only come into the production from 12 to 15 years after planting while the grafting method allows the plants entering the reproductive cycle five to six years after planting.
What is Bacuri butter?
Found in northern Brazil, in the state of Para, Bacuri butter is extracted from the seeds of the pulpy fruit of the Bacuri tree. Each fruit has four oily seeds. Harvested in the wild, it looks like solid butter with a brown to dark brown appearance, and a very intense mossy scent. An average tree will produce 400 fruits per year.
What are the benefits of Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter?
1) In the forest, it was traditionally used to safeguard against insect bites and skin problems. Modern skincare formulations keep this benefit intact as well. It reduces the formation of redness, rashes, blemishes and scarring, when applied regularly.
2) It is an indigenous remedy for rheumatism and arthritis, and till date is believed to be a miracle remedy.
3) It has great emollient properties and a high absorption rate, making it a fabulous moisturiser. This is due to the high amounts of tripalmitin (around 50%).
4) It has anti-ageing properties since it helps stabilise collagen and elastin production. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
5) Methione, an essential amino acid, is found in Bacuri butter, which is a source of sulphur – essential to hair, skin and nail health.
How does one use Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter?
Found in facial anti-ageing creams, massage oil blends, stretch mark creams, cuticle creams, body butters, pain relieving balms, and hair masques and conditioners, you can also use Bacuri butter by itself as a moisturiser.
Moreover, the Bacuri contains properties beneficial for prevent and fight various diseases. Then, check the benefits of Bacuri for health. Like to know what the benefits of Bacuri are? Know the properties of Bacuri: main benefits, nutrients, vitamins and origin. Bacuri (pronounced BOK-ur-ri) contains notable amounts of phosphorus, iron, and Vitamin C, and is mostly eaten raw or blended into juice. The seeds are used only in certain regions. Locals in the central region of the island Marajó extract the oil from the seeds in a very elaborate, months-long process.
The application of Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter as herbal medicine is well known on the island Marajó. It is considered an effective remedy for spider- and snake bites. It is also used in the treatment of skin problems and ear pain and is considered to be a miracle cure for rheumatism and arthritis symptoms. Bacuri butter is also known for removing skin patches and renewing scar tissue.
Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter offers several health benefits and, hence, it is used for many different purposes. This fruit is used in the form of a flavoring agent in jellies, ice creams, jams, ice popsicles, pie fillings and many more. The white pulp of the ripened fruit can be consumed by itself too. This fruit is also used to make a butter, which is claimed to be highly effectual in curing problems related to the skin.
Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter is useful for treating rashes, skin infections and other conditions associated with the skin. In addition, this butter is also employed in the form of an herbal remedy for ear pain as well as to treat insect and snake bites. Depending on these applications of bacuri, it is possible to promote the cultivation of this tree on a much larger level and harvest more of its fruits. Check out the Benefits of Bacuri to Health:
In addition, the fibers present in Bacuri help control glycemia, helps maintain blood cholesterol levels, and Bacuri still helps weight loss.
Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter Contains Anti-inflammatory Properties: The action of the fibers together with the anti-inflammatory action of Bacuri, make Bacuri a great ally for patients who have certain pathologies such as hypertension, obesity and diabetes. In this way, those who possess one of these diseases can consume Bacuri without fear, since the nutrients and properties of this plant will control their rates.
The doses of calcium, iron and phosphorus contained in Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter are essential for boosting nerve transmissions and for healthy development of bones and teeth. Bacuri is considered a natural remedy against rheumatism. Therefore, Bacuri is a natural remedy against rheumatism and arthritis. Regarding Vitamin C present in Bacuri. It can be said that Bacuri has a beneficial action in the consumers regarding the immunological strengthening of the body.
Benefits of Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter For Skin: Bacuri still treats skin problems, eliminates blemishes from that region. Bacuri serves as both healing and renewing of the epidermis.
Benefits of Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter with Antioxidant Properties: Bacuri has antioxidant properties and is used to treat eczema, herpes, ear pain, in addition, Bacuri is a natural and effective remedy for spider bites.
Benefits of Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter for the Intestine: Because it contains fibers in its composition, Bacuri is capable of provoking satiety in those who consume it. Bacuri helps in the better functioning of the intestine, regulating the functions performed by this organ.
Benefits of Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter to Decrease Hypertension: The vitamin C present in Bacuri lowers blood pressure and decreases the likelihood of hypertension as well as serious health problems that can accompany high blood pressure.
Benefits of Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter to Prevent Colds: Vitamin C in Bacuri reduces the severity of cold symptoms and acts as an effective antihistamine that decreases the unpleasant effects of the common cold, including inflammation, runny nose and aches. It also controls the allergy that causes the cold. It reduces the level of histamine and often reduces the duration of the cold.
Side Effects of Bacuri: There are no proven studies that Bacuri is harmful to health. But no treatment should be done without medical advice.
Name: Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter (Platonia insignis) - Reduces the formation of redness emollient properties high absorption rate - anti-ageing stabilises collagen + elastin production – Copaiba
Scientific name: Platonia insignis
- Source of Raw Material: Amazonian Rainforest - Brazil
- Batch Number: AMO 256 - 004/062021
- Part Used of the plant: Kernel
- Extraction Date: 14/06/2021
- Production Process: Cold extraction
- Number of analysis: 193/2021
- Preservatives: Absent
- Shelf life: 24 Months Solvent
- Extraction: Absent
- Traceability: Guaranteed
- Origin of the Vegetable Ingredients: Wildcrafted
- Country of Origin: Brazil
Appearance: Solid
Approximate Melting Point: 33°C (91.4°F)
Major Compounds: Fatty acids found in the bacuri butter:
Palmitic acid (C16:0) is a saturated fatty acid that helps the skin restore its natural barrier structure. As an emollient, palmitic acid forms a protective layer keeping the skin protected from external threats. A best friend to dry skin and hair.
Oleic acid (C18:1), Omega 9, is a monosaturated fatty acid that prevents moisture loss and is known for its anti-inflammatory effect. Palmitoleic Acid (C16:1), Omega 7, is a monounsaturated fatty acid commonly found in plant oils and sebum (our own natural skin emollient). Characteristic of its antimicrobial effect, palmitoleic acid can help protect us from infections, prevent damage to the skin, and can help to stimulate the healing process. - Micronutrient compounds in bacuri butter: Lysine is an essential amino acid required for growth and tissue repair. Its many benefits vary from preventing cold sores to improving calcium absorption and aiding wound healing. Moreover, it can also help build collagen in the skin. Methionine, an essential amino acid, is required for growth and tissue repair. Methionine contains sulphur, which protects cells from pollutants, slows cell ageing, and is necessary to absorb selenium and zinc. (See the Certification of Analysis)
SAFETY HEALTH: Product harmless, for cosmetic use only. Not suitable for human consumption.
- STORAGE: Should be stored tightly sealed, protected from light and heat.
Directions for use:
- Open the container of Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter so that it is ready for application.
- Wash your hands very well with soap and water, for a couple of minutes.
- Dip one finger into the Bacuri Butter, take some, and apply in your face/ hair and body.
- Rinse fingers again before closing jar.
- Remember not to put your fingers back into glass jar after touching any other surface.
- In summary , Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter is VERY CONCENTRATED and 100% PURE , so if you want to enrich any other product you need only 3 teaspoon (tsp) Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter and it is capable to enrich 300ml of any other natural product for Face, Hair and Body , so 1 teaspoon for each 100ml)
- Note: 1ml = 25 drops / 1 teaspoon (tsp) = 5 grams = 5ml.
One option is to simply purchase a glass jar of Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter (Platonia insignis) and apply it to your tresses in lieu of your regular conditioner after shampooing. You only need a small amount (1 teaspoon a bit more or less depending on the length of your hair) to do the trick, just make sure your mane is damp—not soaking wet—so it can absorb properly.
Providing you didn’t use too much product, you can keep it on as a leave-in conditioner treatment. You can even opt to sleep with a towel on your head and rinse out in the morning.
While Nativilis Amazonian Raw Bacuri Butter (Platonia insignis) can certainly stand up on its own, mixing it with other oils and butters can be beneficial for those with extremely damaged, thirsty locks. Again, if your hair is super-fine, you’re going to want to opt for the basic route as to not weigh it down.
Glass is a well-used material that can be recycled and has great environmental benefits. Besides the obvious danger plastic puts humans in, through its destruction of our eco-system, plastic itself can be harmful to humans. The raw materials and chemicals used to produce plastic packaging have been shown to transfer from the packaging into the products themselves over time.
CALVACANTE, P. B.: Frutas Comestíveis da Amazônia, 1996, 6a Ed , Edições Cejup - Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém.
MORAIS, L. R. : Banco de Dados Sobre Espécies Oleaginosas da Amazônia, não-publicado .
PESCE, C.: Oleaginosas da Amazônia, 1941, Oficinas Gráficas da Revista Veterinária, Belém/PA .
SHANLEY, P. et al (2011): Fruit trees and useful plants in Amazonian life, FAO, CIFOR http://www.cifor.org/publications/pdf_files/Books/BShanley1101.pdf .