Nativilis 07 Virgin Amazonian Rainforest Oils 30 ml - ACAI - BACABA - BACURI – JAMBU - MULATEIRO - PATAUA – UCUUBA - enriched seven vegetable facial oils for skin care powerful anti-aging COPAIBA properties
NATIVILIS 07 VIRGIN AMAZONIAN RAINFOREST OILS is enriched with several Amazonian fats and oils. Derived from sustainable systems of the Amazonian rainforest and is completely traceable. It is an elaborate composition of AÇAÍ, BACABA, BACURI, UCUUBA, JAMBU, MULATEIRO and PATAUA. PROPERTIES NATIVILIS 07 VIRGIN AMAZONIAN RAINFOREST OILS is a powerful anti-signal and reduces the line of facial expression. It presents high antioxidant performance giving protection against free radicals.
NATIVILIS 07 VIRGIN AMAZONIAN RAINFOREST OILS has developed as a concept of balance between different bio-actives present in different Amazonian fats and oils. Contains phytosterols, including Beta- -Sitosterol, Stigmasterol, and Campesterol, being widely used by the cosmetic industry as a preventive measure in skin aging, promoting cell metabolism and reducing inflammatory processes.
INDICATIONS NATIVILIS 07 VIRGIN AMAZONIAN RAINFOREST OILS is indicated to attenuate lines of facial expression and to combat the aging of the skin caused by oxidizing actions both solar and polluting agents. 100% natural product, derived from the processing of Amazonian fats and oils. Moisturizing Creams - Dosage 3 - 15 % Anti Signs Serum - Dosage 5 - 20%
Benefits - Antiaging - Anti-celluite - Anti-Stretch marks - Pos-peeling - Capilar moisturizer - Cuticle ciment - Low porosity hair - Straighten hair naturally - Restoring hair color
The rainforest is still destroyed for short term profits – for unsustainable timber exploration and slash-and- -burn activities for low valuable cash cropping and cattle farming. A highly promising alternative is the purchase of non-timber products such as seeds and fruits. The collection of the seeds is carried out with the involvement of the local forest communities cultivating partnerships driven by fairness, transparence, respect, and ethics. Thus, we can assure that the sourcing practices are in strict compliance with the respect of traditional knowledge, for the environment, and guarantee its full traceability. Nativilis advocates the preservation of the Amazonian Rainforest by promoting the use and creating consumer markets for these sustainable and renewable rainforest resources, which contribute to poverty alleviation and local development. You are most invited to learn more about the Amazonian biodiversity
Name: Nativilis 07 Virgin Amazonian Rainforest Oils 30 ml - ACAI - BACABA - BACURI – JAMBU - MULATEIRO - PATAUA – UCUUBA - enriched seven vegetable facial oils for skin care powerful anti-aging COPAIBA properties
- Scientific name: Euterpe oleracea Fruit Oil; Oenocarpus Bacaba Fruit Oil; Platonia Insigns Seed Butter; Virola Surinamensis Seed Butter; Spilanthes olerace Leaf Extract; Oenocarpus Pataua Fruit Oil
Cultivation: Wild
Country of Origin: Brazil
Major Compounds: Contains phytosterols, including Beta-Sitosterol, Stigmasterol, and Campesterol, being widely used by the cosmetic industry as a preventive measure in skin aging, promoting cell metabolism and reducing inflammatory processes. (See the Certification of Analysys)
- Blends well with: Copaiba.
- Source of raw material: Amazonian Rainforest / Brazil
- Batch number: AMO 405 - 003/092023
- Preservatives: Absent
- Number of analysis: 369/21 - Date Extraction: 04/09/2023 - Product Code: 405
- Solvent extraction: Absent
Origin of the vegetable drugs: Wildcrafted
- Shelf life: 36 Months
- Traceability: Guaranteed
- SAFETY HEALTH: Product harmless, for cosmetic use only. Not suitable for human consumption.
- STORAGE: Should be stored tightly sealed, protected from light and heat.
Directions for use: Topical use:
Add 10 drops of Nativilis 07 Virgin Amazonian Rainforest Oils to 20 ml of natural oil (Argan, Sunflower , Jojoba , Sweet Almond)
Creams / Anti Signs Serum – Dosage 5-20% -
Moisturizing creams – Dosage 3-10%
Blend very well with Copaiba Oil
Obs: 1ml = 25 drops

The Acai oil (Euterpe oleracea) represents a new cosmetic ingredient, originates from the Amazon forest, which provides many benefits to maintaining the cutaneous balance. Its structure is mainly composed of anthocyanins, phytosterols, essential fatty acids (EFAs).
Bacaba oil (Oenocarpus distichus) is greenish and fragrant, with physicochemical properties similar to that of olive oil.
High levels of unsaturated oleic and linoleic fatty acids account for Bacaba oil’s emollient properties, making it suitable for use in skin and hair care products. Traditionally, the oil is used to revitalize the scalp.
The fatty acid composition of the bacuri butter (Platonia insignis) has a high absorption rate, due to its high level of tripalmitin (50 to 55%), which penetrates the skin quickly. The high value of 5% of the fatty palmitoleic acid, compared with other oils that have not more than 0.5 to 1.5%, qualifies the bacuri butter as a fantastic emollient which can also be used as a moisturizing agent.
The ucuuba butter (Virola surinamensis) has a high-melting-point (53 °C) and saponification value (220 mg KOH / g oil), which exceeds the rates of beef tallow (with values from 43 to 45 °C and 200 mg KOH / g respectively) makes of ucuuba butter an ideal raw material to replace the animal tallow for the production of fine soaps, and other fatty substances in need of high melting point in the food and pharmaceutical industry,
The vegetable jambu (Spilanthes oleracea) has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic properties. Its main components are spilanthol, a fatty acid amide (N-isobutylamides), stigmasteryl-3-O-b-D-glucopyranoside, and a number of triterpenes. The active ingredient spilanthol is proposed to be responsible for most of its biological activities. Spilanthol has a strong pungent taste; it may produce local astringency and anesthetic effects. Its economic potential includes its use in pharmaceuticals, as a nutritional supplement and beauty care cosmetics.
Mulateiro bark (Calycophyllum spruceanum) contains a high amount of tannin chemicals which give it an astringent effect. Recently the plant has been documented to contain a high content of phenols and organic acids which have demonstrated antibacterial, antifungal, and insecticidal activity. The isolated phenols have demonstrated strong antioxidant activity, which may explain its traditional use to stop the aging process of the skin.
The pataua oil (Oenocarpus bataua) is extracted from the mesocarp of the patauá palm appears as a greenish-yellow and transparent liquid, with little odor and taste, and has the physical appearance and composition of fatty acids that are similar to olive oil (Olea europaea). Its high content of unsaturated fatty acids is remarkable. Due to its high content of oleic acid, patauá oil has moisturizing properties, and can be used for skincare or in formulas to treat dandruff and to revitalize hair, and can also be used in soaps and moisturizers.
The acai as food provides the following benefits to the human body (values for 100 g of fruit pulp):
– Carbohydrates (48 g total lipids) and Potassium (932 mg) for energy production essential;
– Proteins for the development of muscles (13,00 g);
– Fiber for the activity of intestinal functions (3,15 g);
– Anthocyanins for the control of cholesterol, which is responsible for the purple color of acai (926 mg);
– Iron for the oxygenation of blood cells (2,6 mg);
– Vitamin E (α-Tocopherol 45 mg), as an antioxidant;
– Calcium for the strengthening of bones, prevention against osteoporosis (386 mg);
– Vitamin B1 for the flexibility of the skeleton and maintenance (0,25 mg).
Bacaba pulp yields an oil that can be used in the food and for making soap. Traditional oil extraction involves pounding soaked fruit in a mortar to separate the pulp. The pulp is heated in a pan with water, resulting in the oil rising to the surface, where it is scooped off.
The bacuri fruit is highly demanded in the markets of Belém and used for the preparation of sweets, cakes, jams, juices, and ice creams. Its seeds are not used and are discarded. The local population s of the central region of the Marajó island have great difficulty removing the butter from the seeds because the seeds have to be soaked in water for over a year. They are then boiled and the butter is skimmed off the surface of the boiling water. The butter has phytotherapeutic applications and is popularly used on Marajó as a remedy against spider and snakes bites, as a treatment for skin problems and earaches, and is considered to be a miraculous remedy against rheumatism and arthritis. The butter of bacuri gives a golden tone to the skin. It is absorbed a few minutes after it is applied and the skin becomes velvety to the touch; it also removes spots and reduces scarring.
Commonly, the ucuuba butter is used in the manufacture of candles and as fuel for lighting, spreading an aromatic odor. In-home medicine is especially applied successfully in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, colic, ulcers, and hemorrhoids. The butter of ucuuba, which is hard and yellow, can be used in combination with other ingredients for the production of candles and plant-based soaps, being a vegetable substitute for paraffin, which is based on petroleum. Soaps and creams based on ucuuba show a proven anti-inflammatory effect with healing, revitalizing, and antiseptic properties
Jambu and is widely used in Pará cuisine and is indispensable in the dishes of “pato no tucupi” and “Tacacá”. Its consumption produces a lot of salivae and causes a tremor in the tongue and lips. Traditional medicine recommends the preparation of its leaves and flowers for infusions to treat oral diseases (toothache) and throat, as well as for its antibiotic and anesthetic properties. Due to the presence of iron and vitamin C, it is indicated to treat anemia and scurvy.
Mulateiro known among forest communities as the “tree of youth” because of the constant renewal of its bark. Traditionally a decoction is made from the bark and applied to rejuvenate the skin, leaving it softer, beautiful, and moisturized. Made a poultice from the bark it is applied topically in treating cuts, wounds, and burns and believed to have antifungal and wound-healing qualities.
The “wine of patauá” has the appearance of chocolate milk and is prepared in the same way as the “wine of açaí.” The dry mesocarp of patauá contains about 7.4% protein and possesses an excellent amino acid composition. Because of this, the protein of patauá is one of the most valuable found among plants and can be compared with the meat or milk from cattle. Traditionally, Amazonian communities utilize the patauá oil to fry food, and as a tonic to treat hair loss.
The acai, Euterpe oleracea, is found throughout the Amazon basin and is particularly abundant in its eastern part. It is one of the most typical palms of the state of Pará, which dominates the landscape, sometimes in almost pure formations, preferring flooded and wetland areas with high natural regeneration. There are two main varieties, the E. oleracea, which occurs more frequently in the estuary of the Amazon River, and E. precatoria, which is common in the forests of Western Amazonia (Amazonas, Acre, Rondônia, Roraima). The E. oleraceae develops multiple stems that without management can reach 20 shootings, forming what is called “cluster”. This fact undoubtedly makes this species appropriate for the rational and permanent exploration of palm hearts and fruits. Thus, the removal of the palm heart can be made by selecting only some stems, year after year, without killing the individual as it develops new shoots. The removal of older stems corresponds to adaptive management for this palm. On the other hand, the variety E. precatoria grows solitary without developing additional stems which inhibits the concomitant use of palm heart and fruits. In rationally managed plantations, both in native acai formations in the várzea and terra firme, 400 clusters are recommended per hectare with a planting space of 5 x 5 m between them. Estimating production of 50 kg of fruits per cluster with 4 stems producing a production of 20 tons of fruit per hectare is possible. In the floodplain, the production is 30% higher than of the terra firme. The extraction of the acai oil has only 1% a very low performance, which corresponds to 200 liters per hectare.
The most well-known Bacaba palm in the state of Pará is the single-trunked Bacaba-of-leque (oenocarpus distichus), which occurs in areas of poor, heavy and non-flooded soils. It can grow in shade but prefers more open areas. Being fire-resistant, it thrives in pastures and secondary forests. In the state of Acre and the Upper Amazon, the multi-trunked Bacabinha (oenocarpus mapora) is more common. The Bacaba palm does not form homogeneous populations like the Açaí palm (Euterpe oleracea) and the Tucuma palm (Astrocaryum vulgare). In the secondary forest, it stands average 20 to 50 palms per hectare.The fruit of Bacaba consists of 38% mesocarp (from which the oil is extracted) and 62% seed. Young mesocarp contains 25% oil, constituting 10% of the total oil in fresh fruit. Bacaba palms produce 1 to 3 bunches per year, each weighing 20 kg. A conservative estimate puts a single palm oil yield per at 4kg per year.Bacaba seeds need 2 to 3 months to germinate. The palm is a slow grower and produces fruit from the 6th year. Lack of shade in the first 5 years will impair the palm’s future development. In the state of Pará, the Bacaba palm fruits in the rainy season, from December to April.
The bacuri is native to the state of Pará, where the highest concentrations are found in the Salgado, Bragantina, and Marajó island regions. This tree can reach 25 m in height and 1.5 m in diameter. Grows on terra firme and provides a yellow-colored timber, compact, resistant, not rotting, therefore used in naval construction. The fruit, which weighs 250 g on average, has an oval shape covered by a shell, whose thickness varies from 0.7 to 1.6 cm, representing 75% of its weight. The edible part corresponds to the endocarp and represents 13% of the weight of the fruit. It is white, with a strong aroma and sweet taste. The fruit has normally 4 oily seeds, when dried (moisture content of 20%), contains 72% of a fat, which is resinous dark brown, almost black. The fat has an unpleasant smell and filtration is difficult. By pressing approximately 40% of its butter can be obtained. It is estimated that the average productivity per plant and year reaches 400 fruits. The species has a cyclical production performance, which means, years of high fruit production are succeeded by one, two, or three years of low production. Propagation is possible through seeds, roots, and grafting. Plants propagated by seeds only come into the production from 12 to 15 years after planting while the grafting method allows the plants entering the reproductive cycle five to six years after planting.
The ucuuba tree is native of the floodplains found throughout the Amazon region extending up to states of Maranhão and Pernambuco. The name of the tree means in the indigenous language ucu (grease) and yba (tree), prefers flooded regions and reaches a height of 25 to 35 m. A mature tree can produce between 30 to 50 kg of seeds per year. The seeds are rich in fats (60 – 70%) and performance in oil/tallow can reach 50% per kilo of seed on a dry basis. A plantation with 150 trees per hectare could yield up to 7 tons of seeds, which could be processed in 3500 kilos of fat per hectare. The growth in the field can reach up to 3 m in two years. The wood is of excellent quality and used for particleboard and laminated wood, which endanger intensively the remaining forest resources.
The jambu is an Amazonian leaf vegetable, has a 45-70 day cycle, requires little technology for its planting and is widely grown by small farmers.
Mulateiro is a multi-purpose canopy tree in the Amazon. It grows tall and straight up to a height of about 30 meters, and has been long used as a source of good, high-density lumber. Mulateiro is noted for its ability to completely shed and regenerate its bark on a yearly basis, turning the harvest of the bark totally renewable and sustainable.
Patauá is a palm tree that grows both on dry land and in most humid forests. This species can reach 25 meters in height, has only one stem and the infructescence is arranged in the form of a horse’s tail. The patauá palm starts producing fruits in its eighth year and produces up to 3 infructescences per year. The fruits take between 10 to 14 months to develop, which is why plants can be found with flowers and fruits at the same time.The traditional method used to extract oil from patauá involves the following procedure: soaking the fruits in water which helps to separate the pulp from the seeds, shredding the fruit and then placing the pulp in a container of water that is boiled until the oil appears. When extracting oil with a mechanical press the pulp is preheated to gain a higher yield. The patauá fruit is comprised of nearly 39% pulp (exocarp and mesocarp) and 61% seeds. The pulp contains 18% oil. Each palm produces an average of 2 bunches (infructescences) of fruits per year, which is equivalent to 32 kg of fruit that can yield up to 2.4 liters of oil when using a mechanical press.
Best Use: 24 Months
- Shipping Weight: 100 grams
- SKU: 07Virgin-30-AO-5060864591248
- Type: GTIN-13 - Number: 5060864591248
- Volume: 30 ml - Clear Bottle Glass with Tamper Evident Euro Drop Cap
- Dimensions Outer Packaging Recyclable Tube Cardboard Paper Kraft :102 mm (H) x 36 mm (D)
Safety data: Product for cosmetic use only, not suited for human consumption!
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Avoid contact with eyes, do not ingest. In case of eye contact, flush thoroughly with water, call physician if irritation persists. Keep out of reach of children. - Clear Glass Bottle: Our clear glass bottle is to better appreciate the oil and its beautiful and therapeutic colour.The Recyclable Kraft Tube is to protect the oil from light. The clear glass bottle and the Bamboo Dropper comes inside the Kraft Tube - The Outer Packaging Recyclable Tube Cardboard Paper Kraft
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